challenge, personal change

30/100 Day challenge

I’ve been doing keto since March 2017. I was hardcore for about 3 months. Lost 40 lbs so far. Got 50 lbs to go. This past month (July) I have been doing good throughout the week and then drinking (vodka diet soda water/mio) on the weekend and then going off course….way off course. I’ve indulged in eating cereal, candy and various other junk food. Not good. My stomach bloats up immediately and I can literally feel when sugar hit my blood stream… energy bottoms out after about 30 minutes of consumption. So why do I keep doing this? Truth is, I am truly addicted to eating sugar. That rush when I put the forbidden fruit in my mouth is the most exciting thing that happens all week. *clears throat*Clearly I need a hobby. Sunday night I would be ready to go right back on keto but back by Friday I am ready to drink to unwind and chill. It’s a vicious cycle that I can’t seem (or want) to break.

So on July 24th I decided to do 30 days straight of keto. No more drinking on the weekends. No more “cheating”. I’ve also decided to do IF * on 15 of those 30 days. This is not to lose weight faster but to discipline myself. So far in 2 days, I dropped from 190lbs back to 185 lbs: just water weight which is to be expected. My weight has stalled at 185 lbs. No lower than 185. Which is driving me batty. I had hope to be down to 170lbs at this time but due to drinking excessively I’ve stalled big time. I wanted my new driver’s license weight to actually match my true weight.

I printed out some pretty calendars and numbered out my days. Day 30 will be August 22nd and day 100 will be Oct 31. What an auspicious day to end day 100 on!  I will be posting daily updates and share how I’m feeling and hopefully how I’ve easily dropped all the weight!


*Just in case you don’t know what IF is here’s My definition off the top of my head. IF is a prolonged state of not eating. We naturally fast when we go to sleep. Breakfast is simply “breaking the fast”, hence the name. So with IF we prolong it by skipping meals. It’s not a magic way to lose weight or anything. It just helps us stay in a longer state of ketosis.

So they are different ways you can do this. I almost always skip breakfast. Some days I just feel like eating breakfast but most morning I am happy to have a cup of coffee or tea.  Some people eat breakfast only. I try to make it until dinner, mainly because I like having desert after dinner. I do what called 23:1. I fast for 23 hours and then eat all I’m going to eat in one hour. During the time I’m fasting I am making sure I am staying hydrated with water and tea. No sugar in tea of course.  Now some people will argue you must not have any calories period until you break your fast. I do put a tsp of HWC and a tiny bit of sweetener such as stevia.  Do what you think is best!

Keto and IF are not exclusively mutual but they do go well together. You can do IF with any way of eating. I just find it easy to do since keto allows me to stay full all day and not feel weak.

Please do your research into IF before starting. It takes a little bit of preparation. You must stay hydrated and consume sufficient electrolytes. If you have any concerns please contact your doctor!

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